My kids love a good story and with summer reading programs all wrapped up, it got me thinking about the books that influence us from our childhood. When you look back, do any particular stories come to mind? Stories that shaped you, molded you and played a role in directing you toward the person you would grow up to be?


For me, while I always knew I wanted to be a writer, I wasn’t reading books on writing. I was reading stories of whimsy and history. Stories of life and adventure. But before I could even read, my parents read to me–opening up a love for story and our rich American history. Many of those titles have stuck with me and looking back, I can see how they influenced me in so many ways. I’ll share a few of mine and I would love it if you shared some of yours!



When I was Young in the Mountains

This is the book that introduced me to the Appalachian culture… from grandma’s hot cocoa to swimming in the watering hole to the smells and sights of the general store, I developed a love for the mountains and who knew that years later, I would end up marrying a mountain boy? 🙂



Little House in The Big Woods


 I can’t tell you how many times I read this series.

I loved learning about Pa making bullets, Laura and Mary playing under the big trees and making corn cob dolls and helping their ma make cheese and bread and savoring the blessings of love and family.




American Girl

I absolutely loved these books. Laced with fun and rich history, the American Girl books piqued my curiosity for storytelling and of days-gone-by. I always remembering reading the last book in each set about change and learning that life is an adventure. All of these books played a huge roll in preparing me for what lay ahead and were a great way to discover the beauty of American history. I can’t wait to read these with my daughter!


 Your turn! What are some of the books that touched you as a child and have stuck with you to this day? Have they effected who you’ve become and what you do?


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Book release guest spot:

Talking Be Still My Soul and Romance on “Tag(g)lines”